Ponovo sam imala zadovoljstvo i čast
da moj rad bude objavljen u holandskom casopisu From Polymer to Art.
Veliko hvala urednicama Saskiji i Marjon sto su me uvrstile.
Posle duze pauze u radu,
bila sam svojski motivisana da uradim
tutorijal na temu WIND.
Za promenu,nije to bio komad nakita,
vec 3D slika jedne izmaštane devojke...
I had the pleasure and honor
that my work has been published in the Dutch magazine From Polymer to Art.
A big thank for Marjon and Saskia (editors) for being included with my project.
A big thank for Marjon and Saskia (editors) for being included with my project.
After a long break in my work, I was motivated to do Wavy Hair tutorial
as my answer to WIND theme.
For a change, it was not a piece of jewelry, but 3D image of a fictional girl ...
For a change, it was not a piece of jewelry, but 3D image of a fictional girl ...